Black Flag was born out of frustration.

While working as an executive, Daniel, our founding single parent, learned there were conflicting impulses driving most marketing and strategy work: people either wanted to do good or look good.

Doing good is often an ugly process. You have to step out of comfort zones, make mistakes, acknowledge faults, and commit to being bad at something until you’re great at something.

People primarily concerned with looking good don’t want to make mistakes, look foolish, or do anything that might stall their vain corporate ascents — sycophants, ass-kissers, and yes-men who are never without an excuse.

When you bump into those people professionally you can try to beat them, become like them, or leave and start your own thing.

Enter Black Flag Venture.

ABOUT Black Flag

About Daniel

Daniel is responsible for the day-to-day operations, which he oversees with the help of a few great creatives he’s worked with throughout his career.

After practicing law for about ten minutes, he held executive-level positions for over fifteen years in marketing, sales, product development, and strategy.

In addition to his day jobs, he is a frequent speaker who has consulted on national campaigns, product launches, brand refreshes, large-scale events, strategy, script rewrites, and product development for companies in tech, education, entertainment, healthcare, and manufacturing.

He’s weirdly obsessed with marketing, advertising, and media, and wrote his first commercial pitch when he was ten years old. (Yes, it’s for toilet paper. No, it’s not bad.)

If you’re feeling lonely, you can connect with him on LinkedIn, but, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t connect with him just to sell something. (Lazy sales and marketing efforts really offend him.)