• Q: So what is Black Flag?
    A: We’re a creative agency and consultancy. We do most of our work in marketing and strategy, but we’re happy to do anything we can do well to help your company grow.

    Q: How much do you charge?
    A: This isn’t a dodge, but that’s impossible to know without knowing a lot of other things. We can say all of our work starts with a free consultation followed by a specific bid. We’re a boutique shop which means, in general, we charge more than most on Upwork, but less than most large agencies.

    Q: What sort of work do you do?
    A: We primarily do consulting, branding, campaign creation, strategy, writing, customer experience, product development, ad creation, and branded entertainment. We’ve worked with companies large and small in B2B, B2C, B2B2C, and all other areas that sound like Star Wars droids.

    Q: Can we see examples of your work?
    A: Maybe. We love attention and praise, but we also value our clients privacy. If it’s okay with them, it’s okay with us.

  • Q: Where do babies come from?
    A: Great question! Many come from India and China, but they can also come from most any other country, including your own.

    Q: What is the meaning of life?
    A: You will only be free to discover this once you accept there is no inherent meaning. Meaning doesn’t spring fully formed from the head of Zeus. You must create your own. The extent to which you are able to do this will define the sense of purpose you feel (or don’t) in your own existence. Good luck!

    Q: What if this is all a simulation?
    A: Ugh, why are people even interested in this? Whatever all of this is, it already is, and whatever you think it is won’t change much about what it really is. What if we’re all just part of a golden doodle’s dream, the passing of cosmic gas, or an essay by Descartes? Why would any of those things be more or less valid that sitting on a rock in a vast and empty universe? Whatever we’re experiencing, we don’t have much of a choice except to try and make the most of it.