We wrote the Book On Marketing*

Want to know what Black Flag is all about? How we think, feel, and work? Then check out To Market: How to Give a Damn & Take Things to the Next Level written by our founder, Daniel Staker.

It’s a tale born of fifteen years of frustration, passion, and hope for improvement, a practical guide to all the pitfalls that often kill great work.

For those who work in marketing and creative worlds, reading it will be like therapy. For managers, entrepreneurs, or anyone else looking to grow their business, they will learn many things great marketers know, but often don’t (or can’t) say out loud.

“This is the best marketing book I've ever read. Really.”

“I've had to read (possibly) more than my fair share and they are all dry and make the same points over and over. To Market, though, is a delight.”

-Emily H.
(Global Content Manager)

If you’re interested in scheduling a speech, podcast interview, training, or consulting based on To Market, feel free to contact us!

*Ok, so that might be a tad dramatic. We should probably say we wrote, “a” book on marketing, but that doesn’t make for nearly as good of a headline.